Weekly Thoughts

Spring show season is just around the corner. Prize lists are filling my inbox. Are you ready?
Have you completed the required Safe Sport Training? It is a requirement for all owners, riders and trainers this year. Judges have already been taking the training. If you have not completed the course your scores won't count.
Take the time to review the new tests. On the Levels is a video app from USDF that shows each test with a judge's commentary and score running with each movement. There are also some training tips for each level. The App is worth the minor cost. Some of the changes are minor. Pay attention to every letter on the new tests. Also take a look and see where the double coefficients are. Be sure that you can nail those movements. Review the purpose of each level, that is an important piece. There are several new test clinics taking place. Go to one near you.
Hopefully, you are able to fit enough riding in on the sunny days or have access an indoor to polish your riding skills. Take advantage of riding clinics to add new skills or polish old ones. Check out schooling shows in your area. That is an economical way to get some mileage and practice. The first show will be here before you know it. Be ready.
Have you completed the required Safe Sport Training? It is a requirement for all owners, riders and trainers this year. Judges have already been taking the training. If you have not completed the course your scores won't count.
Take the time to review the new tests. On the Levels is a video app from USDF that shows each test with a judge's commentary and score running with each movement. There are also some training tips for each level. The App is worth the minor cost. Some of the changes are minor. Pay attention to every letter on the new tests. Also take a look and see where the double coefficients are. Be sure that you can nail those movements. Review the purpose of each level, that is an important piece. There are several new test clinics taking place. Go to one near you.
Hopefully, you are able to fit enough riding in on the sunny days or have access an indoor to polish your riding skills. Take advantage of riding clinics to add new skills or polish old ones. Check out schooling shows in your area. That is an economical way to get some mileage and practice. The first show will be here before you know it. Be ready.